Health & Safety

We prioritise the Health and Safety of an individual, whether this is an employee or a general member of the public. This is reflected in our company’s low level of incidents.
Our Company Policy enforces health & safety as a priority
“Safety is a core and fundamental management responsibility but also promoted as a responsibility for all. ‘Don’t walk by’ is the motto for all of our employees. We promote an atmosphere where all concerns regarding the safety, health and welfare of our employees are listened to and addressed where necessary.”
The procedures we follow to enforce this priority:
Implement site specific safety and health plans, safe systems of work (SSWPs), method statements, risk assessments and permits for various types of work on all our sites
Inspections of all sites on a regular basis by designated Safety Officers as well as Site Management
Site Inductions for all persons on commencement of their works
Regular tool box talks
Health and Safety Management and Training
We operate an ISO45001 and ISO14001 certified Health, Safety and Environmental Management System on all our sites
Members of the externally audited Safe-T-Cert scheme since 2007 with a current A Rating
Members of the National Irish Safety Organisation
Health & Safety Training courses such as ‘Managing Safely in Construction’, accredited by the IOSH, and ‘Project Supervisor for Construction’, accredited by the QQI, are undertaken by all of our management and staff
Our Company Safety Advisor is a Graduate Member of Institution of Occupational Safety & Health